Monday, August 5, 2013

Eastern Promenade Living

There are numerous houses on Portland's Eastern Promenade that I would consider purchasing if I won the Powerball jackpot, including this one:

Eastern Promenade House Portland, Maine. Summer 2013. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Eastern Promenade House Portland, Maine. Summer 2013. Photo by Corey Templeton.


  1. I can understand why. It's a beauty!

  2. I think they all have been condo-ized. I lived in the one next door, 108, for 9 years before it went from being a monthly rental to a weekly. Now it's a $625k condo. Portland certainly has changed drastically since the 90s!

  3. That's Victorian Terrace! My husband and I recently lived in the second floor apartment, the one with the huge deck. I felt like I was on vacation every day! The building was sold about a year and a half ago, and the new owner has done an excellent job renovating. I believe the second and third floor units and the basement are still long-term apartments, with the first floor a high-end vacation rental.
