An artist adding some new paint to the side of The Asylum.
Approximately 300 artists and 40,000 visitors attend this festival. The WCSH 6 Sidewalk Art Festival is the oldest and largest one-day art show in Northern New England.
St. Peter, Portland, will hold its 84th annual Italian Bazaar on August 15-16. The street festival is a celebration of the Feast of St. Rocco and the Assumption of the Blessed Mother. It includes lots of great Italian food including Italian cookies, games, music, a greased pole to climb, the annual raffle and more.
"She (chef Lee Farrington) practices sustainability from the energy used to the recycled materials utilized in preserving a space for diners. This mission is not based on trend, but on her personal and true goal to be a sustainable kitchen in every aspect. And also to complete the circle, the way it has now been completed for her – cook fresh, clean, delicious food in the kitchen, provide a beautiful, comfortable space for diners, and ultimately return compost to the farm where the food was first harvested."
"Looking for an inexpensive change-up for your next backyard barbeque? Try lobster. "Per pound, it's less expensive than hot dogs right now," grumbles lobster-boat captain Mike Dassatt, who fishes the coast near Belfast, Maine, with his wife Sheila."