From last Saturday, which was indeed sunny...

Finard Properties, owner of the Key Bank/Pierce Atwood building at One Monument Square, has started a renovation of the exterior of the building, replacing windows and applying a new skin. The plans include a new entrance on the square.
Exterior work started a couple of weeks ago and, with favorable weather, should be done this year, said Rick Feldman, project manager for One Monument Square.
The first stage of the work, according to Finard Properties, is to remove the interior storm windows and the perimeter induction units that are no longer used for heating the building. Next is removal and replacement of the exterior windows with high-efficiency windows, work that's under way and visible now.
"The second stage of the project is to install a new exterior skin over the entire brick facade of the building made up of Copper Metallic Alucabond panels," the company reported. "These panels will seal the exterior facade, preventing any water from entering the building. This design will cover all the existing brick and present the building with a much improved state-of-the-art design."

Sounds great to me, this building is due for a face lift. The entrance on to Monument Square will also be welcome and will go well with the new entrance to the library, across the street.