Friday, July 31, 2009

Then & Now

I've been slacking lately but I have vacation next week so I will probably have plenty of time for some photographing.

In the meantime, a new book is available on Monday, August 3rd, called "Portland" and it is part of the "Then & Now" series by Arcadia Publishing (well known for their wonderful "Images of America" series). It's by John Moon and is a good read with lots of great before and after style pictures with some interesting facts along the way.

Check it out here on the Arcadia site, buy it from your local bookstore, or snag it from Barnes & Noble for cheap.

Portland by John Moon, Then & Now Series
96 pages softcover, $21.99
Arcadia Publishing

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fisherman and the Bridge

This is underneath the bridge that carries I-295 over the Fore River, by Thompson's Point and the Airport. I wouldn't eat any fish from these waters but it's a good catch-and-release place I suppose.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Looking into the Past: Thomas Block

A looking-into-the-past of Thomas Block on Portland's Commercial Street. I should have gotten both the cut-out and the actual scene in focus but it gets the point across, I think.

Old Photo Source

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Health Care Rally

One week ago today was a health care rally in Monument Square. I posted these on my flickr earlier in the week but I will go ahead and share them here now. A brief summary of the event can be found here on the Boston Globe website.

I enjoy seeing Monument Square being used like this, since it really is a prime public space and is the 'heart' of Maine's largest and most visible city.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

El Rayo

An exterior shot of El Rayo Taqueria on the corner of York and High Streets. I hear good things but have yet to dine there.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Roof Tan

I would set up a nice little patio set and a grill up there.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009


This statue (for lack of better words) is outside of Hadlock Field, where the Sea Dogs baseball team plays their home games.

It was unveiled last year and I still find it disappointing. There was some rumbling in the arts community (see here) that, according the public arts committee "... the statues, which depict a traditional family of four on the way to a baseball game, would be too large, display the team logo and fail to reflect the modern diversity of Portland, both in its people and its artwork."

Those are all valid points.

My point is that the father figure in the statue is clearly trying to scalp the tickets. It looks like he loaded up the wife and kids in the minivan, clearly promising to treat them to America's past-time, and then started yelling "TICKETS FOR SALE HERE!" as they approached the entrance. What a jerk.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

North Street Garden

I shared a photo of the North Street Community Garden long ago (here), but here are some pictures from this year's crop. Portland has several of these community gardens, but I still say that this one has the best view! Here is the city's description of this garden:

The North Street Garden is located on the Eastern Promenade across from the East End School on Munjoy Hill neighborhood. North Street Garden was expanded by 16 plots in 2008 for a total of 45 plots. The East End School – Educational Garden is located adjacent to North Street Gardens.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fire Fire

I thought it was interesting that this fire call box was right in front of the fire station. Maybe it is connected to the station via paper cups and a string.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday in the Park

Here are a couple of Deering Oaks Park pictures from a beautiful sunny day:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

These Summer Nights

Haven't posted a night shot in a while. There were a few fingerprints on thAlign Centere lens so it has some blurriness but I think you get the picture:

And this is from another recent evening in the same area

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Antique Shop

A popular spot on Congress St. for older folk to stop and chat.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I noticed that I've been getting a ton of visits to this recent post from people searching for information about the new restaurant on Chestnut Street, called Grace.

So here are a few more pictures and here is the website you actually want:

Hours (click for larger version)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Home

Some birds enjoying another day of sunshine in Deering Oaks. This birdhouse is brought out every summer and you can see the mist from the seasonally active fountain behind it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wharf Street

Wharf Street, in the heart of the Old Port, on a recent rainy evening:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Know Your Blog - Walk Around Portland

My other blog, Walk Around Portland, was featured in this week's 'Know Your Blog' on the Press Herald's website by Justin Ellis.

In the introduction to the Know Your Blog series, Justin wrote:

"If there's one thing we love more than bacon on the NXT Desk, it's local blogs. But for the longest time we've struggled on how to incorporate them better around here. Many of you probably notice that when I'm away from the desk or otherwise incapacitated I try to get local bloggers to keep the shop running.

But I think we need something on a more regular basis, and until we get together an NXT blogroll (the page may not be able to handle any more heft), I'm introducing "Know Your Blog," a new feature where we'll spotlight local bloggers on a regular basis. If you've got or know of a great local blog, e-mail me or find me on Twitter with your ideas."

It is an honor to be among the first blogs profiled for this feature. The first two were HillyTown and The Sunday Best. Send Justin your suggestions via the links above.

New Skin

From last Saturday, which was indeed sunny...

The Portland Daily Sun reported in a recent story :

Finard Properties, owner of the Key Bank/Pierce Atwood building at One Monument Square, has started a renovation of the exterior of the building, replacing windows and applying a new skin. The plans include a new entrance on the square.

Exterior work started a couple of weeks ago and, with favorable weather, should be done this year, said Rick Feldman, project manager for One Monument Square.

The first stage of the work, according to Finard Properties, is to remove the interior storm windows and the perimeter induction units that are no longer used for heating the building. Next is removal and replacement of the exterior windows with high-efficiency windows, work that's under way and visible now.

"The second stage of the project is to install a new exterior skin over the entire brick facade of the building made up of Copper Metallic Alucabond panels," the company reported. "These panels will seal the exterior facade, preventing any water from entering the building. This design will cover all the existing brick and present the building with a much improved state-of-the-art design."

Sounds great to me, this building is due for a face lift. The entrance on to Monument Square will also be welcome and will go well with the new entrance to the library, across the street.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Maine Historical Society

I checked out the Maine Historical Society's open house this past weekend, and here are some photos in and around their new research library:

It has a very neat section in the research library which is 3 levels tall. This is taken from the middle level, which overlooks the main research hall.