Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Barge & Bridge

A barge passes through the Casco Bay Bridge, under the cover of darkness.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Fish Pier Night, Feb. 2018

Under the night sky and a passing plane at the Portland Fish Pier last night.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Flashback: Feeney's, 2014

A Thursday look back at a December 2014 photo taken outside of Bull Feeney's, featured on the cover of the current Portland Magazine. You can see the uncropped version here.

A Thursday look back at a December 2014 photo taken outside of Bull Feeney's, featured on the cover of the current Portland Magazine.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Maquoit II Morning

Quiet morning on the waterfront, featuring the Casco Bay Lines ferry Maquoit II docked at the State Pier.

Portland, Maine USA February 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. Quiet morning on the waterfront, featuring the Casco Bay Lines ferry Maquoit II docked at the State Pier.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Western Promenade, Snowboarding at Sunset

Snowboarding down the slope of the Western Promenade at sunset today. If the Olympics were held in Portland we would need to build some bigger jumps here.

Portland, Maine USA February 2018 photo by Corey Templeton of snowboarding on the Western Promenade hill at sunset in the West End

Snow Thing

Some sort of a snow man/devil/angel visiting Harbor View Memorial Park this morning. Whatever it is, it may be not be here too long due to warmer temperatures on the way.

Portland, Maine USA February 2018 photo by Corey Templeton of snowman in Harbor View Memorial Park.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Pond Hockey

Folks enjoying the ice at Deering Oaks Park today. A great day to enjoy it before some warmer temperatures arrive next week.

Portland, Maine USA February 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. Ice Skating at Deering Oaks Pond Park in the winter.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hay Building Heart

Hearts abound in Portland today. Here is one in Congress Square, affixed to the Hay building at Congress and Free Streets.

Portland, Maine USA February 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. Hearts abound in Portland today. Here is one in Congress Square, affixed to the Hay building at Congress and Free Streets.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Congress Street Bus Lights

The lights along Congress Street, courtesy of a passing Metro bus.

Portland, Maine USA February 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. The lights along Congress Street, courtesy of a passing Metro bus.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Lincoln Park Lights

A recent snowy evening in Portland's Lincoln Park. The new lighting by Pandora LaCasse really brightens up this spot.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. A recent snowy evening in Portland's Lincoln Park. The new lighting by Pandora LaCasse really brightens up this spot.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Rackleff Building, Looking Up

Looking up at a corner of the Rackleff Building, 127-133 Middle Street. Built in 1867, right after the great fire, to a design by architect George M. Harding. I find it fascinating to think that after such a destructive fire people were able to quickly build these beautiful structures.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. Looking up at a corner of the Rackleff Building, 127-133 Middle Street

Sunday, February 4, 2018

New Port Rising

A mix of old and new in the India Street Neighborhood. Wil be interesting to see how this area feels in a decade or two. I enjoy living somewhere that has history but is not a museum. so seeing the city grow is a positive in my book. Also makes for interesting new photo opportunities.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photos by Corey Templeton of construction around India Street and New Port Neighborhood.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Park Street, Morning Light

The sun beginning to rise beyond the stately row house on Park Street.

Portland, Maine USA January 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. The sun beginning to rise beyond the stately row house on Park Street.