Saturday, August 31, 2013

Busy Harbor

Looking towards the Maine State Pier on a warm summer afternoon. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Sandwich Month

Did you know that August is National Sandwich Month? Wikipedia also tells me that August is National Goat Cheese Month and National Audio Appreciation Month in America. For the purpose of today's post, I will stick with sandwiches. Portland is known for it's plethora of food options (shout out to Portland Food Map) and there are literally hundreds of places here to get a delicious sandwich. Since I just found out that it is National Sandwich Month last week and I stick to a limited budget for dining out, here are two sandwiches that I can endorse.

First up, the breakfast sandwiches from OhNo Cafe on Brackett Street. In addition to their speciality sandwiches, you can get a plain old bacon/egg/cheese like the one pictured below. Bonus points for getting your sandwich to-go and finding a scenic spot in the West End to enjoy it.Portland, Maine OhNo Cafe Breakfast Sandwich photo by Corey Templeton.

Ready for lunch? The "original italian sandwich" from Amato's is always a safe choice. Pictured below is the original Amato's location on India Street. But even if you aren't in Portland, they have a ton of locations around New England that are ready to make a sandwich just the way you like it.
Portland, Maine Amato's Italian Sandwich photo by Corey Templeton.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lobster Boat from Above

A lobster boat docked at Merrill's Wharf. Being able to "look down" at a scene like this can often provide some interesting compositions. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Waterfront Dining

Today's photo is looking towards Flatbread Company (downstairs) and a portion of Ri Ra Irish Pub and Restaurant (Upstairs). You can also see the deck of Dry Dock Restaurant in the distance. I took this photo from the area where the Casco Bay Lines ferries dock on the Maine State Pier so there wasn't much room to try different angles but I was happy to be able to capture some of the light reflections on the water. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today is Tomorrow's Yesterday

A present-day view of a former scrap yard in the Bayside neighborhood. This lot and may someday be occupied by part of the proposed Midtown development (roughly 675 market-rate apartments, 90,000 square feet of retail space, and garage parking). For now, the empty lots are home to some resilient species of urban weeds. 

Edit - Right after I posted this I saw this news that new renderings for "phase one" of the development have been submitted to the city's Planning Board. I look forward to seeing the project continue to come together. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Chalk It Up

Sticking with yesterday's theme of temporary public art, here are some shots of the Maine Center for Creativity's "Before I Die" wall, which will only be up one more week. It is located on the side of Rí Rá Irish Pub on Commercial Street. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sidewalk Wall Art

An artist, Fletcher Curran per the name visible in the photo, working on a painting in Congress Square. The "canvas" for the piece is a temporary wooden wall that is part of a (slowly progressing) renovation project of the Schwartz Building.
A photo from the same perspective from earlier in the week.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Art on the Sidewalk, Picnic in the Park

Today was a beautiful late-summer day in Portland, a fine day for the annual Sidewalk Art Festival on Congress Street and the Picnic Music & Arts Festival in Lincoln Park. Here are just a few photos of the festivities.

2013 Sidewalk Art Festival Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.2013 Sidewalk Art Festival Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

2013 Sidewalk Art Festival Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

2013 Sidewalk Art Festival Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

2013 Picnic Music and Art Festival Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer Farmers Market

The summer edition of the Portland Farmers Market is still going strong in Deering Oaks Park every Saturday morning. Here are three shots from a recent walk through the festivities:

At the Portland Maine Summer Farmers Market in Deering Oaks Park. Photo by Corey Templeton.
Farmers Market Music
At the Portland Maine Summer Farmers Market in Deering Oaks Park. Photo by Corey Templeton.
At the Portland Maine Summer Farmers Market in Deering Oaks Park. Photo by Corey Templeton.
And for today's unrelated photo, I'm happy to share that one of my photos is on the cover of this month's (September 2013) Portland Magazine! I've had several photos in the magazine over that past year, but this is my first time on the cover which is pretty exciting. According to their website, the magazine has a total readership of 100,000+ and is available at newsstands from Bar Harbor to New York (and pretty much every place in Portland that sells magazines).

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Portland Inc.

A sign painted on a building that is currently part of the Portland Company Marine Complex. The Portland Company's 10-acre property on the Eastern Waterfront was sold earlier this month.  There are not immediate plans for change, but it will be interesting to see this area change over time. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Portland Now and Then

Here are a few photos from the ever-growing archives of the Portland, Maine History 1786-Present Facebook Group mixed in with my photo from the present day:

State Theater Building

Congress Street

511 Congress Street

Kennebec and Elm Street

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Photoville ME

A peek inside the Photoville ME project in Congress Square, an outdoor art exhibit inside of a shipping container. The Portland container features work by Salt Institute students. It will be here until the 22nd of August, at which point it will head off to New York's Brooklyn Bridge Park for a much larger Photoville event in September.

Photoville ME Congress Square Park Portland, Maine photo by Corey Templeton.

Speaking of public art, you can see a few of my photos over on the newly redesigned website of the Portland Public Art Committee. The site is a great resource for learning about the many pieces of public art around town. 
Portland Maine Public Art photo by Corey Templeton.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Along Widgery Wharf

A section of Portland's working waterfront on a recent evening:

Also, in celebration of reaching 1,000+ "likes" on the Portland Daily Photo Facebook Group, I'm offering 30% off any purchase at Corey Templeton Photography through the end of the month. Use code "August2013" at checkout. Let me know if you need any help finding a particular photo or if you have any special requests for places that I should take more photos of. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Closing Time

Today is the last day of business for DiPietro's, a sandwich shop on Cumberland Avenue that opened 69 years ago. You can learn more about the shop and it's history here.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sneak Peek: Salvage BBQ

Here are some behind-the-scenes photos of the new restaurant named Salvage BBQ. It is located at 919 Congress Street, in a cool old building that was once home to  Portland Architectural Salvage. Salvage BBQ is brought to you by the good folks behind the well-respected Local 188 and Sonny's

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.
Salvage BBQ Restaurant. 919 Congress Street Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.
A recent article in the Munjoy Hill News blog indicates that Salvage BBQ could be open as early as next week. I look forward to getting back for some photos once everything is up and running. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

J's Oyster

J's Oyster, a seafood restaurant established in 1977, is located on scenic Portland Pier:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Islander

The Islander docked on Long Wharf for the night. This particular boat is operated by the good folks at  Portland Discovery Land & Sea tours.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Thompson's Point - Inside Looking Out

Construction of the proposed development at Thompson's Point is still a ways off, so I continue to gather up photos of the Point in it's current state. Here's one looking out of one of the abandoned industrial buildings. I've heard that the roof of this building was originally part of the train shed at Portland's Union Station. 

And, some bonus content today: I decided to test out the time-lapse feature on my D600 for the first time (so be kind).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer View from the Bridge

A summertime view from the Casco Bay Bridge on a beautiful afternoon last weekend:
Portland, Maine Summer Skyline from Casco Bay Bridge by Corey Templeton.

And in unrelated news, you can see two of my photos from earlier this year on the cover of the August 2013 Munjoy Hill Observer. You can pick up a copy of the paper, Munjoy Hill's finest print publication, in person around town or read it all online here
Munjoy Hill Observer August 2013 Cover. Portland, Maine.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Docked at Cousins Island

I made a trip via bicycle up to Cousins Island in Yarmouth on Saturday. You can see power plant on the island, which is currently just used during peak demand times, from Portland's Eastern Promenade if you look to the north and east. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

El Corazon Food Truck

The Food Truck known as El Corazon serving up authentic Mexican food on Spring Street on a weekday afternoon:

El Corazon Food Truck Mexican Food Portland, Maine. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Woodfords Traffic

Traffic making it's way through the Woodfords Corner section of Portland. As reported in the Press Herald recently, this intersection will soon be improved to be more pedestrian friendly and more efficient for automobiles as well. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sailor Graffiti

I have photographed this unique piece of art on the Maine State Pier before, but something about a rainy night makes it look even better I think.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

West End Rainbow

A rainbow appearing behind the West Mansion on the Western Promenade:

Monday, August 5, 2013

Eastern Promenade Living

There are numerous houses on Portland's Eastern Promenade that I would consider purchasing if I won the Powerball jackpot, including this one:

Eastern Promenade House Portland, Maine. Summer 2013. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Eastern Promenade House Portland, Maine. Summer 2013. Photo by Corey Templeton.