Saturday, February 28, 2015


One of the granite pillars Major Charles J. Loring Memorial Park on Munjoy Hill. This one is carved with the word "Presence."

February 2015 Portland, Maine Major Charles J. Loring Memorial Park on Munjoy Hill Sunset photo by Corey Templeton

Friday, February 27, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Widgery Wharf Ice

Some mini-icebergs gathered at the end of Widgery Wharf, last night:

Portland, Maine February 2015 Widgery Wharf at night with ice photo by Corey Templeton

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Morning at Night

Taken during a light snowfall last Saturday night, the corner of Eastern Promenade and Morning Street:

February 2015 Portland, Maine winter night at Eastern Promenade and Morning Street on Munjoy Hill. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sideways Seven

A view from beside the Seven sculpture (by artist Robert Indiana) in front of the Museum of Art:

Portland, Maine February 2015 Congress Square Museum of Art at night. Seven sculpture by artist Robert Indiana. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Scarf Mob

Here is a  hat and glove set spotted in Deering Oaks yesterday, placed there by the local Scarf Mob. You may have seen these sorts of cold-weather gear at other spots around town as well, which are placed in the hopes that people in need will find and put them to use to stay warm.  

Portland, Maine scarf mob, hat and gloves in a tree in Deering Oaks February 2015 photo by Corey Templeton

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Eastern Cemetery, February 2015

The Alonzo P. Stinson / Civil War Monument in the Eastern Cemetery, taken last night. I quite liked the shadow of the fence on the snowy ground. Alonzo was the first Portland resident to give his life for the Union in July 1861.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Narrow Gauge, February 2015

Pictured today is one of the engines of the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad. I'm sure the plow attachment has been put to good use this winter. The Press Herald recently reported that the little railroad will be here until 2017, when it is planning on moving out to Gray, Maine. 

Portland, Maine the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad on the Eastern Waterfront February 2015 photo by Corey Templeton

Friday, February 20, 2015

On Thin Ice

Another cold morning on the waterfront, last Saturday:

Portland, Maine February 2015 winter sunrise along the waterfront in the Old Port photo by Corey Templeton

Also, check out the new March 2015 issue of Down East Magazine (on shelves soon) to see one of my photos representing Portland as one of the "Best Places to Live in Maine."

Portland, Maine March 2015 issue of Down East Magazine skyline photo by Corey Templeton

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Commercial Street Morning, Feb. 2015

Some bright morning sunshine hitting the buildings along the north side of Commercial Street:

Portland, Maine Commercial Street buildings in the Old Port February 2015 photo by Core Templeton

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Climbers

This sculpture off of Elm Street seems to work well with a bit of snow:

Portland, Maine public art sculpture off of Elm Street February 2015 photo by Corey Templeton

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ice Patrol

The U.S. Coast Guard cutter "Shackle" (WYTL-65609) breaking up some ice near the end of the Maine State Pier on Saturday morning:

Portland, Maine and Casco Bay February 2015 U.S. Coast Guard cutter Shackle (WYTL-65609) photo by Corey Templeton

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hearts Abound

A heart at the very end of Maine Wharf on the morning of Valentine's Day. The Valentine's Bandit(s) cover quite a bit of ground each year.  

Valentine's Day February 14, 2015 Valentine's Bandit heart poster at end of Maine Wharf in the Old Port. Portland, Maine photo by Corey Templeton

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Valentine Bandit in Portland, Maine. The unknown bandit's annual tradition adds a welcome touch of warmth to the otherwise cold streets this time of year. 

February 14 2015 Valentine's Day bandit in Portland, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton

February 14 2015 Valentine's Day bandit in Portland, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton

February 14 2015 Valentine's Day bandit in Portland, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton

Friday, February 13, 2015

Soldiers in the Snow

A view at night time view of the bronze sculpture on the south side of the Our Lady of Victories in Monument Square. The granite pedestal was designed by Richard Morris Hunt, who also designed the base for the Statue of Liberty (among other things, such as the facade of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina). 

Portland, Maine February 2015 Monument Square sculpture at night photo by Corey Templeton

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Three for Thursday

These three black and white photos are from the last big snowstorm. None of them are extraordinary on their own, but they seem to look okay together. 

Walk sign Portland, Maine black and white winter photo from January 2015 photo by Corey Templeton

Avon and Congress Street Portland, Maine black and white winter photo from January 2015 photo by Corey Templeton

State Street snowy stairway Portland, Maine black and white winter photo from January 2015 photo by Corey Templeton

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shine On

Another look at the lights in Tommy's Park, this time after a fresh snowfall last week.  

Portland, Maine USA February 2015 night at Tommy's Park with lights on trees in the old port. Photo by Corey Templeton.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

West End, Streets of Snow

I appreciate the peacefulness of a snow-covered street this time of year. The first photo is of May Street and the second is of Emery Street, both in the West End. Even though these are relatively quiet streets year-round, it's amazing how much a little falling snow can make a street seem very quiet. 

May Street in Portland, Maine USA January 2015 West End Snow photo by Corey Templeton

Emery Street in Portland, Maine USA January 2015 West End Snow photo by Corey Templeton

Monday, February 9, 2015

Snow Exchange

Looking down Exchange Street during the blizzard back in late January. The snow-obscured vanishing point caught my eye.

Portland, Maine Winter snow on Exchange Street in the old port black and white photo by Corey Templeton January 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Window to the Old Port

A reflection of the Old Port in the windows of Bull Feeney's Pub & Restaurant on Fore Street:

Portland, Maine February 2015 reflection of old port and fore street from Bull Feeney's pub and restaurant photo by Corey Templeton

Friday, February 6, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Winter Morning from Union Wharf

The view back towards town from the end of Union Wharf.  Other than the lovely glow of a sunrise hitting the buildings in the distance, I like how I captured a couple seagulls at just the right moment.  

Portland, Maine city and old port skyline from Union Wharf in the Old Port, February 2015, photo by Corey Templeton

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Snow Upon Stratton

A wintry view of the rowhouses of Stratton Place in the West End:

Portland, Maine Winter January 2015 Snow rowhouses Stratton Place in the West End photo by Corey Templeton

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015