Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let it Grow

A flower popping up in Post Office Park in Portland's Old Port:


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Brick by Brick

This single photo is from the Spring Street/Free Street parking garage next to the Civic Center. The building on the far right is MECA (The Porteous Mitchell & Braun building), the middle light-colored brick is a chimney on the side of the MECA building, and the far left building might be the back of a building that faces Congress Street.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bridge to the East End

This photo was taken following yesterday's bench photo. The colors seem a bit odd, and I would have stuck around for some more creative shots, but as you can see by the little waves in the harbor it was mighty windy (and cold). Bug Light Park is a popular place for kite flying, but it was actually too windy for that on Saturday unless you are a pro-kite flyer.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Across the Fore River

A photo from Bug Light Park in South Portland, taken yesterday. Note the absence of snow. Expect a few Portland skyline pictures in the coming days. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Portland Daily Photo on Flickr

Quite a while ago I started a flickr group called Portland Maine Daily Photo. The idea was to invite people to share Flickr photos in this group that they would like to have featured on this blog. I participate in a few other Flickr groups that do a similar thing (the group or our local HillyTown flickr group for instance). Anyhow, I guess the idea passed because once I set up my group I didn't mention it to anyone. A couple weeks ago adventphotography added a few photos to my group, so here is one. Thanks for sharing!

© Adventphotography via Flickr
If you Flickr and would like to share a photo with readers of this blog, feel free to add a photo or two to my Group. The fine print:

If you have a photo of Portland, Maine and would like to share it on my blog, please share it here. I will credit you accordingly if your image is used and I will link it back to your Flickr account. You will retain all rights to your photos. Unfortunately I can't provide any monetary rewards, but perhaps you will get a few extra visitors to your photostream and some comments!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Munjoy Hill & Sky

I'm going to have to re-take this picture someday when there is a more dramatic sky...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Standpipe Park View

A photo from Standpipe Park, off of North Street on Munjoy Hill:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Better Know a Trail: Jack Path

For this installment, we will take a little look at a little trail. Jack Path is only about 600 feet long, but it  gets the job done. It connects Walnut Street and a section of North Street, by  the East End Community School. The path was officially established in 2007. Check out the Portland Trails website for maps and information about their many excellent trails. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Benny's Restaurant

Benny's is on West Commercial Street and seems to be a decent place since it's been there a while and the urbanspoon and yelp reviews for it are positive. I imagine they will be re-opening fo' the season in a few months.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sign of Spring

This is from yesterday, outside of Longfellow Books in Monument Square. I think that putting books outside is a good sign of spring. That and the warm temperatures yesterday and possibly today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not Long Ago

Some photos from the last snow storm in February.

State Street:

Bus Shelter:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Art All Around - Cumberland Ave

The building front a center here, on Cumberland Ave, is part of an especially dismal stretch of Cumberland Avenue. I believe the blank wall belongs to the Fair Point company (formerly owned by Verizon, formerly New England Telephone & Telegram, formerly Bell, or something like that) so I presume the reason for the blank walls is that the inside is filled with telecommunications equipment (a series of tubes perhaps).

Anyhow, you may be familiar with the Art All Around project by the Maine Center for Creativity, in which several oil tanks in South Portland are being decorated. The artist, Jaime Gili of London, won the competition to have his designs used on the tanks. Here is one of the artist's tank designs applied to this blank wall:

Really spruces it up, eh? I wouldn't want to look at something too crazy if I lived in the Back Bay Tower and my condo looked at this wall, but it wouldn't be worse than a blank wall I think. Feel free to download the above photo and  photoshop your own creative design onto this wall. If I had something of value to give, or owned the building,  I would make this a competition.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fore Street Sign

I occasionally  like to share these old street signs as I stumble upon them. This one is on the corner of Fore Street and Exchange Street in the heart of the Old Port. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Forward

Some East Bayside rooftops:

The pile of snow off of Somerset Street, looking classy/toxic:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Once a Home

This house is on the end of Hobart Street, by where the Fore River Parkway Trail (part of Portland Trails) connects to the street. This was taken in May 2010, and is one of many photos that I had not gotten around to sharing for some reason.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

West End Window

This type of window, where it sticks out like this, must have a name that I can't remember. Any help?

Also, I am leaving the poll from yesterday evening's post open for today. I'm surprised by the amount of votes already, thanks readers!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Name It

So I'm still thinking about registering a domain for this blog. Here are some ideas, any  feedback? My top priority is to take better pictures, but a fancy domain name wouldn't hurt anything. I think I registered portlandmainedailyphoto a few years ago but never did anything with it and let it expire. I'm learning towards I've been using that in the blog's header image for quite some time now,.


Public Utilities

A long time ago I posted some snapshots of different manhole covers found in Portland. I came upon this one recently. I wonder if it came from another city? It says "The  Bureau of Water Supply." Our local water company is the Portland Water District

I've never seen one of these opened  before. I wonder how often these are used for actual emergencies? I probably  wouldn't even think of using one of these during  an emergency.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Houses

A skinny house on Neal Street:

Hillside houses on Deering Avenue:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Street & Co.

Maine Restaurant Week is still going strong. I don't see Street & Co. on the list of participating restaurants, but it is a restaurant that is located in Maine and I took the photo this week so I will share it. I was playing  around  with some tone-mapping  on these photos:

Looking down Wharf Street:

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Winter's Day

Looking up the other side of Custom House Wharf:

As requested in the form of a comment on yesterday's post, I have posted a larger-sized version of yesterday's photo to a new page titled 'wallpapers.' The page can be visited by clicking here or the 'wallpaper' link button at the top of the page, right below the banner. You may need to tweak the image slightly to make the resolution appropriate for your screen. Also, just to share this update, I am testing out the photo-selling sites Zenfolio and Smugmug with their free trials. Someday most of the pictures I post here will be available for purchase.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

In Like a Lion

This is Custom House Wharf last weekend. It's always a fun spot for photographs in all types of weather.

A P.S.A. for any lobstermen that read this blog:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Every Week is Restaurant Week in Portland

Today's Maine Restaurant Week pick is Gritty McDuff's on Fore Street. Check out the special menu here

Stay tuned for non-restaurant related photos, because I don't have many more on hand and because I have lots of other photos that still need to be posted.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maine Restaurant Week 2011

It's time once again for Maine Restaurant Week.

Check out the MRW website for up-to-date information about participating restaurants. In honor of the week, here is a random picture of Sonny's at 83 Exchange Street. They are offering a tasty looking three-course deal for $30 for Maine Restaurant Week.