Thursday, December 31, 2020

20 to 21

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021! Wishing you all a safe, healthy and happy new year.

Portland, Maine USA December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. House numbers 20 and 21 for New Years.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Before the Morning

Tree and benches at Fort Sumner Park before sunrise this morning. The interesting color on the tree is from a nearby holiday light display. 

December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Tree and benches at Fort Sumner Park before sunrise this morning. The interesting colors on the tree is from a nearby holiday light display.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Pearl to Commercial

A cyclist making their way down Pearl Street in the early morning.

Portland, Maine USA December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. A cyclist making their way down Pearl Street in the early morning.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Cold as Ice

Some mini icebergs floating around the South Portland side of the harbor today.

Portland, Maine USA December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Some mini icebergs floating around the South Portland side of the harbor.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Nevens Night

The view down Nevens Street towards the stately Woodfords Congregational Church.

Portland, Maine USA December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. The view down Nevens Street towards the stately Woodfords Congregational Church.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Lights in Boothby Square

The winter lights in Boothby Square after a slight dusting of snow. And it's not a Corey Templeton photo without some seagulls in flight in the background.

Portland, Maine USA December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton of winter lights in Boothby Square.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

This Side of Seven

Strolling past a backwards number seven in Congress Square this morning.

Portland, Maine USA December 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Strolling past a backwards number seven in Congress Square.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Working Waters

A slice of the working waterfront, looking down the west side of Berlin Mills Wharf.

Portland, Maine USA November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. A slice of the working waterfront, looking down the west side of Berlin Mills Wharf.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Bridge and Trestle

Perhaps the last photos I'll take of the former Grand Trunk Railroad train trestle on the East End. The decrepit structure has been this way since before I was born and the southern span is finally slated to be demolished soon. Maybe we'll see a new bridge here someday.

Portland, Maine November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Grand Trunk Railroad Trestle and bridge.

Portland, Maine November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Grand Trunk Railroad Trestle and bridge.

Portland, Maine November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Grand Trunk Railroad Trestle and bridge.

Friday, November 27, 2020


The gazebo at Fort Allen Park on a crisp fall morning. I was hoping for a more dramatic sunrise, but the interesting pattern in the clouds made up for that.

Portland, Maine USA November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton of Fort Allen Park Gazebo at sunrise.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Last Christmas

That time already? Happy to see one of my tree photos from last year on the front of this week's
MaineToday magazine.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Last Leaves

The morning sun shines on the last few leaves next to the Victoria Mansion on Park Street.

Portland, Maine USA Photo by Corey Templeton November 2020 The morning sun shines on the last few leaves next to the Victoria Mansion on Park Street.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2021 Calendar

I'm happy to announce my 2021 Calendar is now up for sale. It features 12 of my favorite photos from the past year, which has certainly been an interesting one. Thanks for following along this year!

Corey Templeton Portland, Maine 2021 Calendar for sale

Monday, November 16, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Mills of Biddeford

Continuing my brief tour of Greater Portland, here's a shot of the mills in Biddeford in the early morning.

Biddeford Maine November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Old mills of Biddeford.

Biddeford Maine November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Old mills of Biddeford.

Biddeford Maine November 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Old mills of Biddeford.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Pier Sunrise

A pleasant sunrise behind the pier in Old Orchard Beach this morning. Eagle-eyed viewers might have noticed an increase in non-Portland photos recently. This is due to a temporary relocation due to home renovations. It's been nice seeing some different sights but look forward to being back in town soon.

Old Orchard Beach, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton of the ocean pier at sunrise.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 The steady glow of the Eastland sign over Congress Square. The hotel (now the The Westin Portland Harborview Hotel) was the largest in New England when it was built in the year 1927.

Portland, Maine USA October 2020 photo by Corey Templeton . The steady glow of the Eastland sign over Congress Square. The hotel (now the The Westin Portland Harborview Hotel).

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Bug Lights

A couple lobster boats cruising by Bug Light in South Portland.

October 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. A couple lobster boats cruising by Bug Light in South Portland.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Green, Yellow and Red

Fall colors at Brackett & Danforth Streets, from back in September.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Fall colors at Brackett & Danforth Streets, from back in September.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Urban Oasis on Vaughan Street

A well-lit porch and manicured lawn make for an inviting front yard on Vaughan Street.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020. Photo by Corey Templeton. A well-lit porch and manicured lawn make for an inviting front yard on Vaughan Street.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Another Bay: Camp Ellis Morning

Morning mist on Saco Bay, captured way over in Camp Ellis in the town of Saco.

Saco, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton. Morning mist on Saco Bay, captured way over in Camp Ellis in the town of Saco.

Saco, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton. Morning mist on Saco Bay, captured way over in Camp Ellis in the town of Saco.

Saco, Maine USA photo by Corey Templeton. Morning mist on Saco Bay, captured way over in Camp Ellis in the town of Saco.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Early Blue Morning

Early morning scene looking at Munjoy Hill from across the harbor.

Portland, Maine USA October 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Early morning scene looking at Munjoy Hill from across the harbor.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Harbor View Park. Summer & Autumn

A summer (September 2020) and autumn (October 2019) mash up of two trees in Harbor View Memorial Park.

Portland, Maine photo by Corey Templeton. A summer (September 2020) and autumn (October 2019) mash up of two trees in Harbor View Memorial Park.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Moment

“Moment” by Anthony Caro at the Portland Museum of Art with some dramatic lighting.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. “Moment” by Anthony Caro at the Portland Museum of Art with some dramatic lighting.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wilde Memorial Chapel, Oct. 2020

It may sound counterintuitive, but Evergreen Cemetery is one of my favorite spots to get autumn foliage photos each year.

Portland, Maine USA October 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Autumn at Wilde Memorial Chapel  at Evergreen Cemetery.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

58 Boyd & Deering Place

Progress at two new housing projects on the peninsula: Avesta's "Deering Place" in Parkside will add 45 new affordable units (and 30 market rate) and the Portland Housing Authority's "58 Boyd Street" will have 55 units in Bayside.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Avesta Deering Place under construction.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. 58 Boyd Street under construction.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Art Stop

Bus stop art “Hope and Friendship” by local artist and Maine College of Art alumnus Ebenezer Akakpo.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Bus stop art “Hope and Friendship” by local artist and Maine College of Art alumnus Ebenezer Akakpo.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Park at Amethyst, September 2020

A few photos of the newly opened Park at Amethyst on the Eastern Waterfront. I think these red swinging benches are going to be popular.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. New benches at Park at Amethyst

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. New benches at Park at Amethyst

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. New benches at Park at Amethyst

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Lines at Forest & Congress

Leading lines and foggy weather at Congress & Forest this morning.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton of leading lines and foggy morning at Congress and Forest.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Hope Reflected

A reflection of Charlie Hewitt's colorful "Hopeful" sculpture in Woodfords Corner.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. A reflection of Charlie Hewitt's colorful "Hopeful" sculpture in  Woodfords Corner.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Sign of the Times

A sign we can all get behind on West Commercial Street. Future home of the Portland branch of Bar Harbor Lobster Co.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton. Eat Food Sign West Commercial Street Bar Harbor Lobster Co.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Schooner or Later

The schooner Wendameen with Portland Head Light in the distance. From August 2017.

Portland, Maine USA August 2017 photo by Corey Templeton. The schooner Wendameen with Portland Head Light in the distance. From August 2017.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Seasons of Portland: May Street

A Summer/Winter combination of May Street in the West End. Winter photo from January 2015 and summer photo from August 2020.

A Summer/Winter combination of May Street in the West End. Winter photo from January 2015 and summer photo from August 2020.  By Corey Templeton.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Highland Gardens

I wandered away from the peninsula for a minute to enjoy the homes and sidewalk gardens of the Deering Highlands neighborhood.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton of homes and gardens Deering Highlands Neighborhood.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rolling on the Water

Some stunning light and fog rolling over the waterfront this morning. The boat heading out to sea was an added bonus.

Portland, Maine USA September 2020 photo by Corey Templeton.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Counting from Thirteen

A couple different views of the "Counting from Thirteen" installation at 754 Congress Street, created by local artists Daniel Minter, Ryan Adams and Titi de Baccarat.

Portland, Maine USA August 2020 photo by Corey Templeton.

Portland, Maine USA August 2020 photo by Corey Templeton.