Saturday, June 30, 2018

Harbor Complex

A glimpse of the inner harbor from above the Portland Company Complex.

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. A glimpse of the inner harbor from above the Portland Company Complex.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Steele Peaks

An entrance to Battery Steele on Peaks Island. This mysterious stone structure first appeared in 1942 and has mystified locals and graffiti artists ever since.

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton of Battery Steele world war two fortification defense on Peaks Island.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Merrill's Marine Wharf

A view of Merrill's Wharf from last night, a wharf with an apparently successful mix of industry, office and restaurant space

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. A view of Merrill's Wharf at night, a wharf with an apparently successful mix of industry, office and restaurant space

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Deering Oaks Pond & Park

A recent evening stroll past Deering Oaks Park. At one time the pond here was connected to Back Cove and would fill and drain with the tides.

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. A recent evening stroll past Deering Oaks Park. At one time the pond here was connected to Back Cove and would fill and drain with the tides.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Colesworthy Cannonball

A cannonball embedded in the Colesworthy Building at 92 Exchange Street. According to official documents, the cannonball is from the Civil War.

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. A cannonball embedded in the Colesworthy Building at 92 Exchange Street. According to official documents, the cannonball is from the Civil War.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Flight of Life

A LifeFlight of Maine helicopter passes over the Western Promenade, on the approach to Maine Medical Center.

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. A LifeFlight of Maine helicopter passes over the Western Promenade, on the approach to Maine Medical Center.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Lost Youth in the Old Port

You never know where Longfellow will pop up in Portland. Here's a part of "My Lost Youth" on Exchange Street.

Portland, Maine USA June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. You never know where Longfellow will pop up in Portland. Here's a part of "My Lost Youth" on Exchange Street.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Île d'Orléans

A couple views near the east end of ÃŽle d'Orléans, a rural island in the St. Lawrence River just outside of Quebec City.

June 2018 photo by Corey Templeton. Île d'Orléans in Quebec Canada on the St. Lawrence River.