Sunday, September 30, 2012

Flashback: September 2011

I think every month goes by fast, but I feel like this September has been unprecedented in it's speed. Before the month is over, here are some photos from the archives taken back in September 2011:

This photo is available here at Corey Templeton Photography, along with many others. 

This photo is also available here at

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stroudwater River

A bend in the Stroudwater River near where it passes under Congress Street.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gateway to the Ocean

A view of the Ocean Gateway International Marine Terminal, including a nice contrail from a passing airliner  The white dot in the sky is the moon.
Another view from the park next to the terminal. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


A light outside of an old brick building on Pine Street. I think the photo has a bit of an autumnal feel to it. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mariner's Church Building

The Mariner's Church Building in the Old Port. Photo taken earlier this evening at the corner of Market and Fore Streets.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Big and Small

A lobster boat passing in front of a cruise ship docked at Ocean Gateway. Photo taken from Bug Light Park in South Portland. 

Places in Peril 2012

Greater Portland Landmarks recently announced their "Places in Peril List" for the year 2012. The list "Calls attention to character-defining, historically-significant properties that are in danger of being permanently lost of diminished."Here is a photo relating to each of the seven places on the list. 

Portland Company Complex, 58 Fore Street

House Island in Casco Bay. Photo taken from Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse in South Portland.

The Maine National Guard Armory in South Portland.

The Masonic Temple Grand Lodge at 415 Congress Street. I got to go on an open-house tour of the building a few years ago and it really is pretty amazing inside. 

Grand Trunk Office Building, 1 India Street.

Abyssinian Meeting House (left), 73 Newbury Street.

Eastern Cemetery on Congress Street, near the foot of Munjoy Hill.

You can read all about these seven places and their significance here at the Greater Portland Landmarks website. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Portland's newest food truck, Love Cupcakes, is now open for business at the corner of Commercial and Center Streets. This funky trailer used to be parked off of Route 1 in Falmouth and per their website it will be at this Portland location during the winter months each Wednesday to Sunday. If you really like cupcakes you can also visit the nearby East End Cupcakes at 426 Fore Street. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Trail to Ale 2012

These two photos are of the Portland Trails Trail to Ale 10k race that happend last weekend. The event, which benefits the non-profit Portland Trails organization,  started on the Eastern Prom and looped around Back Cove. I have a few more photos from the race on my photography website, here. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Park(ing) Day

One of the temporary parks created in Portland for Park(ing) Day 2012. Read more about the local effort here

Thursday, September 20, 2012

All in a Row

Zooming down Congress Street, across from Monument Square. An update of this photo from a few years ago. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

State Street Balcony

The sunset of a fine summer day falling upon some historic brick buildings next to Longfellow Square.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Above Boothby Square

An elevated view of the stretch of Fore Street known as Boothby Square. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Reader Photos: September 2012

It's time for some more beautiful reader photos! These were all submitted to my Portland Daily Photo Flickr group. If you have a Flickr account and want to share your photos with readers of this blog then feel free to post your photos to my group. You can also email me your photos or send them to the official Portland Daily Photo Facebook group and I will include at least one of them in the next batch of reader photos.

Sunset in the Bug Light Park, by Zach Beane

Cool Fog, by ShelDoyle.

Gazing, by Wayupstream/Steve Stracqualursi

Photo by William F. Hallett 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The tasteful entrance to an apartment building on Shepley Street. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Under Construction: September 2012

Here are some projects currently under construction in the city. There are several cool projects in the works, but for now we have a few less-exciting but overall positive projects taking shape. These first two photos are of the Pearl Place Phase II development by Avesta Housing in Bayside, at the corner of Pearl Street and Kennebec Street. 

These next two photos of are a Maine Housing project on the corner of Danforth and High Streets called Elm Terrace. This project also encompases the building at 68 High Street which is a former hospital and a current National Historic Landmark. 

And lastly here is the current state of things at the former Adams School site on Munjoy Hill. This lot will be developed into town houses by Avesta Housing. Per Munjoy Hill News the groundbreaking officially starts later this week. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Under There

Underneath the railroad trestle that sits above the intersection of Park Avenue and St. John Street.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Shipping containers at the Port of Portland's International Marine Terminal off of Commercial Street. I think the white and grey dots on the pavement are seagulls. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Just a couple more photos from last month's trip to Jewell Falls, in the great wilderness of Portland.

I don't do much of this type of photography, mostly due to living in Portland and being car-free. But I can see the appeal of photographing the traditional scenic landscapes of this state. Feel free to post a comment describing some of your favorite "wilderness" spots around Portland.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There's a Feeling I Get, When I Look to the West

These views are from the Western Promenade, looking out from the city in a Western direction.

The hills of Western Maine and the White Mountains in the distance. Closer to Portland, the smokestacks on the right side of the image are from the S.D. Warren paper mill in Westbrook (also featured in this post from last month). 

This view is looking slightly more southwest, and features Thompson's Point in the foreground.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Before and After: JFK on Park Avenue

The scene as of September 2012. The HP Hood plant is just to the right of this photo.
Senator John F. Kennedy heading into Portland on September 2nd, 1960. Here is the text of the speech he gave in town later that day. Photo via Portland Maine History 1786-Present Facebook group. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


The Amtrak Downeaster train on its way South, passing alongside the old Veterans Bridge.