Monday, August 3, 2009

Paving with Stone

It's nice wandering around downtown on a weekday. Although I live downtown, I work on the outskirts by the airport and the mall so I miss out on all the hustle and bustle of Monday through Friday.

Anyhow, as I reported on Walk Around Portland a while back, they are adding some strips of cobblestone to Exchange Street. The idea of 'adding' cobblestone to Portland's streets is kind of ironic (is that the right word?) since most of the paved streets still have original cobble beneath them. Here's a few shots from today's work:


  1. So they're putting the cobbles down over the surface that covers the old cobbles? That is ironic. I like the boldness of the first picture. The second makes me wonder what this project is doing to traffic in the Old Port.

  2. they're actually digging up the old cobblestones and putting a bit of filler in between so the spacing isn't so drastic for pedestrians. It's not doing anything to traffic in the Old Port, (even though this is just on Exchange St. specifically), except an effort made on the City's part to deter skateboarders from cruising down the street.

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