- Portland Food Coma continues sharing some deep thoughts on local bars located within Asian restaurants.
- Tip of the hat to Portland Food Map on this post, reporting that Mainebiz reports on the old claim that we may have more restaurants per capita than San Francisco, maybe.
- Original Portland/Portland Photoworks proprietor Elliott Teel was interviewed in a Bollard story about the Parkside neighborhood, I recommend checking it out (the article, but Parkside isn't as bad as it used to be they report)
- Portlandtown covers the MS Harborfest of this past weekend with some great photos.
- Also, you may have noticed that I turned off comments for my new posts. I have been having troubles with some spam recently (I kept getting 30 different spam comments each day) despite having the word verification feature on. I'm working on the issue and will likely install the Disqus comment tool that is currently used on Walk Around Portland.