Monday, March 7, 2011

Street & Co.

Maine Restaurant Week is still going strong. I don't see Street & Co. on the list of participating restaurants, but it is a restaurant that is located in Maine and I took the photo this week so I will share it. I was playing  around  with some tone-mapping  on these photos:

Looking down Wharf Street:


  1. Both versions look positively Gothic. Love it. I remember this area. When the weather is cooperating, it's actually a very lovely street. But you've captured that perfect moment in time right after Jack the Ripper jumps out of frame.

  2. I absolutely love this picture! What do you use for a program to put your name on the photos?


  3. Thanks for the comments!

    K - I do post processing with photoshop elements 7. It gets the job done. I have my watermark saved and just paste it into each photo after editing it.
