Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Portland is the Food Bloggiest City in America

In light of a recent article in Bon Appétit which calls Portland the "America's foodiest small town of 2009," I would like to put forth a new statement that Portland also has the most blogs about local food and restaurants. Although some of the food blogs around here only post links to other articles calling Portland the best food city/most restaurants per capita/etc, I think I still have a valid point. (I would find it hilarious of some of those blogs link to this post!)

In addition to the often said and equally as unprovavle (so far to my knowlege) sayings that Portland has the most restaurants per capita in the states, or at least as many as San Francsico, the Bon Appétit article says that "...per capita more money is spent in Portland restaurants than in any other U.S. city except San Francisco and New York..." As expected, this news made the rounds on all the local food and restaurant blogs.

In order to back-up my asseration that Portland has the most local food/restaurant blogs in America, here's a list of the blogs I know of in no particular order (feel free to add more in the form of a comment!)

Portland Fodder
Portland Psst!
Type A Diversions
Portland food Coma
Portland Food Map
Commune Tested, City Approved
Accidental Vegetables
The Breakfast Club
Edible Obsessions
Diet for a Small City
Portland Food Heads

Also, Blueberry Files

Ok, maybe some other cities have more local food and restaurant blogs, but Portland might be right up there based on per-capita rankings!